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Other  Resources â€‹

  • Getselfhelp is another useful website that’s designed to provide you with materials and tools that can help you take control of your thoughts and feelings.

  • Websites of mental health charities tend to have useful resources for understanding/coping with mental health issues, just a few are MIND and SANE.

  • Helplines/Charities -There are so many different helplines and charities out there, so here’s a useful and comprehensive list of Mental health helplines provided by NHS.


 Guidelines for emergency contact

  1. Your GP

  2. Your local Accident and Emergency Department

  3. Support Agencies Nationally

  • The Samaritans are available and can be contacted round the clock, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To contact the Samaritans from anywhere in the UK call free, from any phone on 116 123.   

Counselling & Coaching Resources

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